Joshi For Texas

Meet Karan Joshi Now.

Defending Your Rights, Ensuring Equality

Committed to protecting your freedoms and upholding justice for all. As a Republican candidate in Houston, I will fight for fair laws, safeguard individual rights, and promote equal opportunities. Your voice matters—let’s build a safer, stronger community together with integrity, accountability, and unwavering dedication to the Constitution.

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about Karan

The People's Alliance, Building a Future Together

I’m not a politician—I’m an Attorney owning a small Law firm, and a family man. Recently married, I understand the struggles everyday Texans face. I’m not running to serve special interests in Austin or myself. I’m running to return government to the people.

Austin’s political establishment has become too entrenched and disconnected from the real concerns of Texans. People want lower property taxes, a secure border, safe communities, and their God-given freedoms protected. To make real change, we need leaders who will challenge the status quo and stand up to special interests.

I’m Karan, and I’m ready to fight for you.


years serve the country

our vision & mission

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

our vision

To restore trust in our government by fighting corruption, standing up to special interests, and putting Texans first. I am committed to lowering property taxes, securing our borders, and protecting the God-given freedoms of every Texan. As a small business owner and family man, I will bring real-world experience and accountability to Austin, ensuring that government serves the people—not politicians and lobbyists.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus luctus nec ullamcorper.A Texas where government is transparent, accountable, and truly representative of its people. A state with lower taxes, safer communities, and stronger protections for individual freedoms. My vision is to bring leadership that listens, policies that work, and a government that always puts Texans first. Together, we will reclaim our voice and shape a better future for generations to come.

about Karan Joshi

Karan Joshi for the bright future

graduated from California law school

As the founder and CEO of Orange Law Firm, I’ve built my career fighting for the little guy—taking on powerful corporations and ensuring justice for those who need it most. I’ve seen firsthand how corruption and corporate greed influence the politicians in Austin, putting special interests ahead of everyday Texans. I know how to take on the establishment, and I know how to win.

As your next state representative, I will put Texans first—not wealthy donors or lobbyists. I will keep my word, stand firm on my promises, and fight every day to break the cycle of corruption that has kept property taxes high and our border unsecure. Enough is enough. It’s time to return government to the people and drain the Austin swamp.

I’m Karan Joshi, and I’m ready to fight for you.

Majored in Political Science
Deputy Attorney General Media Project
Law School and Civil Rights Attorney
Deputy Attorney General Media Project
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